【姚美心- 抗疫實踐 – 少數族裔篇】
【姚美心- 抗疫實踐 – 少數族裔篇】
【Maxine Yao – Fighting Virus for ethnic minorities】
【新冠肺炎】少數族裔無口罩 學校借場地姚美心派物資 外語職員教防疫
Ethnic minorities got no masks. Maxine donated masks at school.
「同理心慈善基金會」和「種族共融教育及福利協會」2020年3月13日在觀塘地利亞修女紀念學校(協和) 派發50,000口罩(新世界集團捐贈)、3,000卷衞生紙、144 公升漂白水和50公升酒精搓手液給不同族裔的學生和弱勢社群。其間我們還訪問了近半百位少數族裔人士,以了解他們在疫情期間的生活需要。
Empathy Foundation and Racial Integration Education and Welfare Association donated and distributed 50,000 masks (donated by New World Development Group), 3,000 rolls of tissue paper, 144 litres bleach and 50 litres sanitizer gel to students from different races and less privileged community in Delia Memorial School (Hip Wo) on 13 Mar 2020. In order to getting a deep understanding of their necessities during the disease, we also conducted a survey for half hundred ethnic minorities.
#姚潔凝 #姚美心